
why do you fight for sex ed? corey

in honor of #sexedforall month, we asked young people: why do you fight for sex education?

here’s what corey, engaging communities around hiv organizing, had to say:

“i fight for sex education for all because, like in my home state of mississippi, comprehensive and medically accurate sex education is very hard to access in k-12 public schools. mississippi has amongst the highest rates in unplanned teen pregnancies, hiv diagnosis, and std/sti rates. a lack of affirming education clearly leads to a lack of knowledge, which leaves the majority of people clueless of a lot of useful and stigma-free information that is out there. as a young male, i grew up with a mindset that i would be one of the last people to contract an std, let alone hiv. if i knew just a small amount of the information that i know now as a teenager, i probably would have made way better decisions when it comes to sexual relations.young people deserve a sex education curriculum that does not make them feel disgusted or less of a person.”