
definitions of road blocks to effective communication

parent-child communication basics: an education program to enhance parent-child communication



s-1. judging making a judgment you should …

you ought to …

s-2. rejecting giving no support it’s your problem, not mine.
s-3. blaming/criticizing placing fault on the other person it’s your fault.
s-4. labeling calling names or words that are negative only a dummy would do it that way.
s-5. transferring not listening and jumping in with one’s own problems let me tell you what happened to me.
s-6. ordering giving solutions with no choices you must do this now.
s-7. threatening/bribing using threats or bribes to try to make someone do something if you don’t do what i want …

if you do what i want, i’ll do this for you.

s-8. waffling not being clear and consistent in setting limits well, maybe …

we’ll see …

i’ll think about it …

s-9. nagging persistently repeating orders or requests i’ve told you a thousand times …

how many time do i have to ask you to …



s-10. acting using body language that sends negative messages or that rebuffs; being physically abusive crossing arms; not looking at speaker; walking away; tapping feet; shaking finger in face; hitting; kicking