march 2017
ignite! presentations: ignite presentations from the 2016 sea institute are now available on the school health equity website. these presentations focused on success stories that each sea has experienced and provided them a platform on what to share with peers. shared with permission, the ignite presentations focus on a variety of topics such as forming a youth advisory committee and helping school districts utilize resources for school based wellness centers. please reach out to your fellow sea job-alikes if you would like more information on their presentations.
rights, respect, responsibility curriculum hard copies available: due to an overwhelming demand, 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 is excited to announce the availability of hard copies of the rights, respect, responsibility curriculum. lesson plans can be purchased and additional support materials, including powerpoints for lessons, can be downloaded for free on the rights, respect responsibility website. click here to purchase hard copies of lesson plans from this curriculum.
aids free guidance database

provided by the u.s. agency for international development, u.s. president’s emergency plan for aids relief (pepfar) and aids free, the aids free guidance database brings together a bulk of data from hiv testing, treatment guidance, and hiv/tb co-infection treatment guidance from the u.s. and a variety of countries. this database is interactive and can be used by educators, administrators, community based organizations and healthcare professionals to conduct research, prepare training materials, learn about guidelines in other countries and write proposals or grants. the database is divided in to five broad categories: hiv treatment, hts, hiv/tb co-infection, pep, and tb.
healthy teen network (htn) has provided a one page overview focused on how to sustain programmatic work in school districts. intended for already successful programs, this guide gives a high-level overview of the benefits of sustainability and tasks that districts can take to support further long-term sustainability. it also gives additional resources and recommendation for next steps after a program has proven successful. find out more about programmatic success and sustainability.
school-based health alliance literature database

the school-based health alliance (sbha) hosts a literature database for educators and healthcare professionals containing peer-reviewed articles and publications from 1970 to the present. this literature database provides a multitude of resources by topic area, secondary topic area, grade level, year published and first author last name citation. articles and publications can also be submitted to the database.
recent publications
excellence in school district leadership 2017
every year, education week recognizes excellence in school district leadership around the country profiling educators who have had a positive impact on young people, schools and districts. this year, education week identifies thirteen educators from a variety of districts who have faced unique challenges and have had a profound effect on improving education and the lives of their students. meet the 2017 excellence in school district leadership awardees here.
new supplemental issue of the journal of adolescent health
the cdc division of reproductive health has released a supplemental issue of their journal of adolescent health, containing reports from the implementation of cdc and the department of health and human services (hhs) office of adolescent health (oah) community wide teen pregnancy prevention initiatives (cwi) project. this report provides information from researchers and educators working to prevent teen pregnancy in their local communities. read the supplemental issue here and find out more about cwi.
capacity building and professional development
plc at etr menu of practice resources and services plc
etr has released a new menu of pd practice resources and services based on cdc dash professional development practices. this menu gives a list and brief description of resources that are currently available to support the implementation of each of the cdc dash pd practices.
synchronicity conference
the synchronicity conference is taking place april 24-25 in arlington, va. this conference is hosted by health hiv and focuses on hiv/hcv disease prevention, care management and treatment. it is co-hosted by the national coalition for lgbt health. find out more about the synchronicity conference and register today.
positively speaking: talking about safer sexual behaviors
the cdc is offering an online course with one cme credit available which focuses on understanding why hiv providers don’t often discuss sexual behaviors with their patients. this free, one hour class is designed to integrate prevention messages that are effective in changing adverse risk behaviors of hiv positive patients. learn more about the course and register today.
national youth hiv and aids awareness day (nyhaad)

april 10th marks the youth hiv and aids awareness day, during which young people around the country host events to showcase how youth are affected by hiv. special attention is given to the barriers that youth face to prevention, testing, care and how to translate these experiences into action steps. as april 10th nears, be on the lookout for local events in your state. visit the 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 (afy) nyhaad blog for more information about what you can do today to support young people in their fight for an aids free generation. continue to check back for updates and information as the date nears.
this document was made possible by the centers for disease control and prevention, division of adolescent and school health (cdc-dash) under cooperative agreement 1up87ps004154. the contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the centers for disease control and prevention.
to submit an article, announcement, or resource for the school health equity newsletter, please email lauren ainsworth at
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