july 2017
resources to support the implementation of exemplary sexual health education (eshe) 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 has created a new resource with information on supporting implementation of eshe curricula and programs. materials from the national and local level include fact sheets, toolkits for planning and implementation, an implementation checklist and an instructor competency assessment tool. these resources are intended for administrators at the state level to assist in providing support to their districts to address and plan for the implementation of their curricula and programs prior to and throughout. find resources here.
school health education kit

the center for sex education has released its new school health education kit that includes a 2-volume, 50 lesson set, to all together now, a 5 lesson evaluated curriculum for grades 3-12. this curriculum contains lessons on puberty, bullying, contraception and sexual health in the digital age.
teaching affirmative consent: practical guidelines to increase student understanding
etr has released a new resource on teaching affirmative consent. this new supplement is designed to help educators in schools and communities in sexual risk reduction programs deliver information about consent. these guidelines build communication skills, offer a positive and respectful framework around personal choice, and respond to changing cultural norms. learn more about teaching affimative consent at etr.
slide design resource sheet
the plc at etr has provided this informational slide design resource list for educators and trainers to help streamline resources related to slide design for presentations, seminars and trainings. resources are categorized by the following five sections: 1) slide design, 2) power point techniques and how-to’s, 3) graphic design, 4) finding and using graphics, and 5) data visualization.
young men’s health website
boston children’s hospital has launched a new website dedicated to men’s health. it contains information on general health, sexual health, nutrition, fitness and emotional health for adolescent men. additionally the website provides a platform for users to ask questions, view health guides, learn about services for young men at boston children’s and information for parents.
recent publications
state profiles fiscal year 2016
the sexuality information and education council of the united states (siecus) has released state profiles on sexual health for fiscal year 2016. these profiles provide information on the promotion of sexual health education and abstinence-only-until-marriage federal funding programs in all of the states, as well as d.c., puerto rico and other u.s. territories. these profiles are intended for educators, policy makers, youth, parents and other stakeholders who are working in the sexual health field.
mental health service utilization among lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning or queer youth
the journal of adolescent health has published an article. with the findings of a study on the utilization of mental health services among lgbtq youth. 33,220 california college students participated in an online survey that asked questions about stress and the impact of their mental health on academic success. the survey also asked questions about the barriers that youth faced when accessing these services. according to the study, approximately 7% of students who identified as sexual minorities experienced higher rates of stress. they were also more likely to use off-campus mental health services.
what research says about student-on-student sexual assault
education week has provided a briefing on the current research regarding student-on-student sexual assault. the associated press has been gathering data around this type of sexual assault on k-12 students in the united states and has found that these assaults happen when students are unsupervised, on buses or in bathrooms, in hallways or in locker rooms. read the full article here.
national chlamydia coalition
founded in 2008, the national chlamydia coalition addresses the rates of chlamydia in adolescents through the promotion of access to comprehensive health services that prevent chlamydia and other stds. their website provides a variety of informational resources and research related to chlamydia treatment and prevention including options for care, how to get a screening, general information about the stds, tips for communicating with healthcare providers about concern and strategies for preventing re-testing rates. this website is intended for patients both youth and adults, as well as health care providers.
register for the eshe convening meeting
喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 is hosting a cdc/dash funded two-day eshe convening meeting, august 22-23, 2017 at the advocates’ office in washington d.c. this meeting will focus on furthering the work of sustainability covered at the sea 2016 institute and applying it to eshe related programs and activities in year 5. registration closes july 1, 2017 please register yourself and any other attendees you plan on bringing today!
this document was made possible by the centers for disease control and prevention, division of adolescent and school health (cdc-dash) under cooperative agreement 1up87ps004154. the contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the centers for disease control and prevention.
to submit an article, announcement, or resource for the school health equity newsletter, please email mary beth szydlowski at marybeth@advocatesforyouth.org
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