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school health equity newsletter december 2014

 newsletterdecember 2014

feature: the 2013 national school climate survey

the 2013 national school climate survey is glsen’s 8th biennial report on the school experiences of lgbt youth in schools, including in-school resources that support lgbt students’ well-being, the extent of the challenges that they face at school, and insights into many other aspects of lgbt students’ experiences. the survey has consistently indicated that a safer school climate directly relates to the availability of lgbt school-based resources and support, including gay-straight alliances; inclusive curriculum; supportive school staff; and comprehensive anti-bullying policies. to access the full 2013 national school climate survey, click here.


capacity building and professional development

time to thrive. the human rights campaign foundation in partnership with the national education association and the american counseling association present time to thrive, the 2nd annual national conference to promote safety, inclusion and well-being for lgbtq youth…everywhere! the conference will take place february 13-15, 2015 at the hilton in downtown portland, oregon. to learn more about the conference, register to attend or purchase an exhibit table, click here.

stonewall national education symposium. the 3rd national symposium of the stonewall national education project will take place may 13-15, 2015, in fort lauderdale, florida. in this third year, the symposium will move from solutions to implementation: there will be an emphasis on skill-building, strategy, and practical application. to learn more about the symposium or register to attend, click here.

funding opportunities

implementing evidence-based tpp programs to scale in communities with the greatest need. this funding opportunity announcement will provide competitive funding to organizations to develop and implement a plan for preventing teen pregnancy in communities at greatest need that includes engaging the community, including youth, in developing and implementing a plan to prevent teen pregnancy; implementing evidence-based tpp programs to scale in multiple settings and with vulnerable populations; implementing programs in a safe and supportive environment; establishing linkages to youth-friendly health care services; and raising awareness of the importance of preventing teen pregnancy and promoting positive youth development. for more information about this foa and to apply, click here.

capacity building to support implementation of evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs. this funding opportunity announcement will provide competitive funding to organizations to provide capacity building assistance to support small scale replications of evidence-based programs to scale in the future. for more information about this foa and to apply, click here.

supporting and enabling early innovation to advance adolescent health and prevent teen pregnancy. this funding opportunity announcement will provide competitive funding to inter世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 ry organizations to develop, operate, and manage a system to enable and support the growth and development of innovative products, programs, or processes to advance adolescent health and prevent teen pregnancy. for more information about this foa and to apply, click here.


national center for hiv/ aids, viral hepatitis, std and tb prevention annual report 2013. nchhstp highlights the center’s priorities and achievements and provides information on cdc’s hiv/aids, viral hepatitis, std, and tb prevention programs. to access the full report, click here.

national center for hiv/ aids, viral hepatitis, std and tb prevention state profiles. the 2013 nchhstp state profiles include statistical and other information on hiv/aids, viral hepatitis, std and tb for all 50 states and the district of columbia as of june 2014. they also include descriptions of prevention and control programs supported by cdc and state public health officials. to view state profiles, click here.

centers for disease control and prevention health literacy. this site provides information and tools to improve health literacy and public health. these resources are for all organizations that interact and communicate with people about health. to view the site, click here.

national public health information coalition sexually transmitted disease communications toolkit. the purpose of this toolkit is to provide materials and resources that will help communications staff and std program managers in state and local health departments communicate effectively about stds. the materials are divided into two broad categories: information for the general public and information for providers. to view the toolkit, click here.

toolkit to incorporate adolescent relationship abuse prevention into existing adolescent pregnancy prevention programming. this toolkit, prepared by the adolescent pregnancy prevention program’s training and technical assistance and meeting logistical support project for the family and youth services bureau, will walk sexual health educators and other youth workers through the steps of making relationship violence prevention an integral part of their adolescent pregnancy prevention work. to view the toolkit, click here.

recent publications

reconnecting science and adolescent sexual and reproductive health policy making. researchers from varying disciplines provide recommendations to improve u.s. sexual health education and to strengthen the translation of science into programs and policy. to view the full research brief, click here.

school health policies and practices study 2012. the school health policies and practices study (shpps) is a national survey periodically conducted to assess school health policies and practices. in 2012, shpps was conducted at the state and district levels. to view the results, click here.


american education week. presents all americans with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education. the weeklong celebration features a special observance each day of the week. to learn more about the observance, click here.

national prevention information network. join the new npin social community to connect, share and collaborate with other individuals in the hiv, hepatitis, std, and tb prevention space. to sign up, click here.


to submit an article, announcement, or resource for the school health equity newsletter, please call jennifer at 202.419.3420 ext. 12 or email her at

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