august 2017
new study: both democratic and republican parents overwhelmingly support sex education: a new study in the journal plos one has been released. according to dr. leslie kantor, vice president of education at planned parenthood federation of america and the lead author of the study, “this research confirms that sex education has overwhelmingly bipartisan support and that parents want sex education to cover a range of topics in both middle and high school.”
establishing organizational partnerships to increase student access to sexual health services

the national coalition of std directors has released a guide primarily geared towards organizational partnerships whose main focus is sexual health services, establishing organizational partnership to increase student access to sexual health services. the key principles and steps can also be useful for other partnerships that provide health and community services for youth.
school based health center sustainability

this memo gives an overview of the school based health alliance’s (sbha) three-pronged approach to maintaining a sustainable school-based health center: building strong partnerships, particularly with the school affiliate and its community organizations; creating a sound business model with capacity to efficiently process billing and insurance information, routinely assess financial standings; and diversify the patient portfolio; maintaining a high quality practice by measuring quality indicators, compiling and reporting data, and critically analyzing workflow 世界杯赛程2022赛程表中国 .
capacity building and professional development
american school health association (asha) webinar- human trafficking awareness: implications for schools
date & time: thursday, august 17 @ 3:00pm est
presenter: rhonda hertwig, rn, msn, cpnp, rcm health services
human trafficking is the second most common crime in the united states with nearly 6,000 known cases in 2015, 29% of those involving children. to help fight this epidemic, join asha for a webinar to understand the definition of human trafficking, how past trauma can be a risk factor for a young person experiencing trafficking, and learn how schools can protect their students from this crime by adhering to the trauma informed care framework. click here to register!
recent publications
five myths about transgender students educators need to unlearn – education week
education week has published an article that brings attention to the legislative and social obstacles transgender youth currently face in schools. the article also dismantles five common myths about transgender youth to aid educators in discussing gender identity in their classrooms and being sensitive to lgbt student needs.
13 reasons why bullying prevention is an important part of sex ed

photo credit: netflix
playing off of the netflix hit series, 13 reasons why, the center for sex ed highlights 13 reasons why it is critical that bullying prevention be included in a school’s sexual health education lesson plans. the blog highlights let’s erase bullying, 17 skills-building interactive lesson plans which include lessons on friendships, intimate relationships, unequal partners and communication.
healthy teen network conference

date & location: october 2-4, 2017, in baltimore, md early-bird registration ends august 25! click here to view conference details and register.
asha 2017 school health conference

date & location: october 11-13, 2017 in st. louis, mo early-bird registration ends august 24! click here to view conference details and register.
the school superintendents association conference: education in the digital age

date & location: february 15-17, 2018 in nashville, tn. registration for the school superintendents association (aasa) annual conference is now open!
this document was made possible by the centers for disease control and prevention, division of adolescent and school health (cdc-dash) under cooperative agreement 1up87ps004154. the contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the centers for disease control and prevention.
to submit an article, announcement, or resource for the school health equity newsletter, please email mary beth szydlowski at
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