know your ix is a survivor- and youth-led project that aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools. reach out to with 世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组
and all other inquiries.
know your ix offers resources for students working to end sexual and dating violence.
the cost of reporting: perpetrator retaliation, institutional betrayal, and student survivor pushour
our survey of more than 100 student survivors found a massive failure on the part of schools to fulfill their obligations under title ix. read our report to learn more about the impact of the reporting and investigation process on student survivors.
survivors speaking out toolkit
this toolkit from national women’s law center and know your ix was written by students, survivors, and advocates, many of whom have spoken out about sex-based harassment and then faced defamation lawsuits and other retaliation.
faqs on title ix and supportive measures for students in k-12 and higher education
this resource from know your ix and the national women's law center helps survivors understand their options under title ix.
know your ix state policy playbook
federal law, including title ix, requires schools to take action to address gender-based violence on campus—but federal law only sets a floor for schools’ obligations to create safe and equal campuses. states can and should do more to keep schools from sweeping sexual violence under the rug. know your ix has outlined a series of key reforms that students, advocates, and state policymakers can pursue to support survivors on campus, keep students safe, and end gender-based violence in school.
know your ix campus organizing toolkit
background information and organizing tips for students working on title ix 世界杯赛程2022赛程表中国