
i was thrilled to be pregnant with my 2nd child. at 12 weeks, the ultrasound showed a neural tube defect. the skull had not closed- encephalocele. the doctor gave me two gut-wrenching choices. i could end my pregnancy, or i could continue the pregnancy and hope there might be some possible brain activity if the child survived. i chose to have an abortion… to terminate for medical reasons. the baby was a much loved and wanted girl. there isn’t a day that goes by that i don’t think of her in some way. she would have been 5 this year and starting kindergarten had things gone as planned. but they didn’t, and that happens. i am thankful that i was able to terminate to save my daughter and family more pain than was necessary. eliminating this option is barbaric and i will fight for abortion rights for my daughter that is alive and the one i said goodbye to way too early.