

i had an abortion when i just graduated college. before i knew i was pregnant i thought i could take on the world. i scored an amazing job and graduated with two amazing degrees. but, when i discovered i was pregnant was in between college and my job. plus, my boyfriend and i were deciding if we wanted to stay together. i couldn’t afford a child and my job requires about 80 percent travel. the night i found out i was pregnant i cried on the floor of my bathroom all night. the following day i called and made an appointment to get an abortion but, when i got to the clinic i was too early to terminate my pregnancy. in the state that i live in, i have to wait so i was able to see the fetus on the sonogram. also, i had to sign a piece of paper that said i waited 24 hours for my abortion and knowledge what other options are out there. nevertheless, i went back about two weeks later where they were able to see the fetus. but, when i placed in the room where my abortion took place the doctor asked if i brought anybody with me and i said yes. my doctor asked if i wanted to bring my friend back with me to hold my hand. i am very fortunate to have a doctor that cared enough about me as a patient to know that i needed support. my best friend held my hand through the entire procedure and drove me home. when i got home after my abortion my boyfriend at the time didn’t even ask if i was okay, in fact, he forgot. needless to say, we broke up later that week. it approaching the year mark since i decide to terminate my pregnancy. my life has gotten back on track. i am dating a new guy that i love and knows that i terminated and supported my decision. sharing my story i want women to know that it is your choice and that you are loved. don’t let anyone tell you differently because you made a choice for yourself!