喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 condemns racist and sexist rhetoric
喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 strongly condemns the racist, sexist, and violent rhetoric that made headlines this weekend. said debra hauser, president of 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 :
“we are reaching new lows from politicians and political actors who are intent on causing harm. we’re disturbed and disgusted to see the continued demonization of and threats to latino young people and families.
no young person should have to hear such vile, harmful comments, or experience violence. yet some politicians continue to fan the flames of hatred and bigotry, putting young people in harm’s way and creating discrimination and danger for latinos and all immigrants.
young people are fighting to end all forms of racism in this country, from hateful words to harmful policies and systems. they already understood that attacks on immigrants come from the same people who would strip young people of so many of their other rights and who continue to attack many other vulnerable communities. young people are working to end racism, and they will not stand for continued white supremacy from those who seek political power.”