
xandi, photographed by kait mauro

“i was in an abusive relationship when i found out i was pregnant. a protester on the sidewalk tried to take my picture, but a clinic volunteer shielded me with an umbrella. a photo of me walking into an abortion clinic could have put my life in danger. i am so grateful for the clinic volunteers who kept me safe and defended my right to privacy that day.

when i finally ended that relationship, my abuser became violent. he attacked me, busting my lip and spraining my wrist. i tried to press charges, but i couldn’t prove my injuries came from him.

i changed my full name after that. i went back to school and got my master’s degree, and now i work to improve access to healthcare for people in rural areas. i have never regretted my abortion. i wouldn’t be where i am today without it.  i was able to choose to start my family now with the right person, and that would not have been possible if i had not had access to abortion when i needed it. my abortion was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made, and i strongly believe in everyone’s right to make that choice.”

kait mauro is a 20-something artist currently living and working in montgomery, al. she is from pittsburgh, pa & saint louis, mo. though primarily a photographer, she also dabbles in other mediums including collage, painting, floral arranging & creative writing. her work can be found on www.kaitmauro.com.