
i hope to write this in a more professional format soon as writing is one of my passions. however, if there is a chance it could help someone now i will do my best to put down the important details. i was raised in one of the best school districts in the country at the time. 2 parent household, well adjusted. i still ended up becoming a heroin addict before the age of 20. i spent far more time attempting to get clean than i did trying to actually maintain my addiction. all i wanted was a family. while sober for 6 months i met an amazing man, who is my husband today. unfortunately i relapsed and couldn’t stay clean shortly after my relapse 24 years old at this point i found out i was pregnant. i tried everything i could to stay sober, i just couldn’t do it. in my sick mind i truly thought i could figure it out and get clean. i couldn’t do it. i ended up having a late term abortion 18 weeks. it was absolutely earth shattering for me. most of my family still has no idea. the point of my story is this, i did get clean!!! i will be celebrating 8 years this summer. my husband to be stuck it out with me, we have 4 beautiful children all under 7. i am almost positive that without the access to abortion i would not be here today. my family most certainly would not be. i am also finally finishing college and will be helping people who are struggling. something else i most certainly wouldn’t be able to do had i not had access to a safe professional abortion.