
angellie, photographed by michel collado-toro

“cuando tuve mi primer aborto yo tenía 22 años y mi hija amahia tenía 1 año. ella tiene osteogénesis imperfecta y en aquel momento sólo pensaba en lo incierto que era brindarle todos los cuidados necesarios, siendo madre primeriza con una niña con una condición genética, conocida como “huesos de cristal”. era incierto cómo podríamos lograr que recibiera las atenciones médicas necesarias siendo una familia de bajos ingresos y viviendo en una sociedad donde el acceso a una salud digna lo delimita el dinero que tienes. decidí abortar, sin dudarlo. sola, pero determinada. esa decisión fue y continúa siendo un ejemplo significativo de mi valentía, mi fortaleza y mi madurez.”

“when i had my first abortion i was 22 years old and my daughter amahia was one year old. she had osteogenesis imperfecta and in that moment i could only think about the uncertainty of all the care that would be necessary, being a single mother with a daughter with a genetic condition, known as “bones of glass.” it was uncertain how we would be able to ensure we received the necessary medical attention as a low income family and living in a society where access to health care uses up all the money you have. i decided to get an abortion without any doubt. alone, but determined. this decision was and continues being a significant example of my bravery, my strength, and my maturity.”

angellie is shown participating in a protest on international women’s day; and caring for her daughter.

michel collado-toro is a puerto rican photographer and documentalist. proud mother of a 12 year old boy. obtained a bachelor of arts at the university of puerto rico and is in the final phase of his master’s degree in cultural management and administration from the same institution. since 2009 has worked as a community educator, program facilitator and documentalist in the feminist organization taller salud based in loíza, p.r. it is also part of the colectiva de acompañamiento pro decisión, a group of abortion doulas that manage support for people facing a pregnancy termination. she has been a feminist militant in favor of the right to abortion for more than a decade and has developed several campaigns in favor of this and other rights of women and other marginalized populations in p.r.