
the father was persistent on me going through with it because he believed it was the best option. he came with me to the clinic but i was alone afterwards and for the following day. i was in disbelief that at no point did he stop and question anything. i was so unbelievably hesitant and i felt that if he was there and received all of the information i did, he would want to reconsider this. he never did. i felt so guilty, ashamed, alone and filled with sadness. it was one of the most traumatic things i’ve endured in a long time but it was even harder trying to mourn when i didn’t even feel like i deserved that right. the next day, i cut ties completely and am still working on healing myself. if there was more support for pregnant and single parents, i wouldn’t have done it. yet, i am grateful to live in a place where this is an option and i can make the decision to have this procedure safely. it is still too soon to tell if i regret it or not.