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school health equity newsletter september 2017

september 2017


abstinence-only-until-marriage: an updated review of u.s. policies and programs and their impact: in this review article, published by the journal of adolescent health, john s. santelli, m.d., m.p.h., and his colleagues provide an update to their original 2006 review of abstinence-only-until-marriage (aoum) programs and policies. addressed in this update, are the major changes in aoum programs and funding as well as how aoum programs impact other public health programs and specific groups of adolescents.



glsen safe space kit

designed to help you create a safe space for lgbtq youth in schools, this safe space kit is glsen’s guide to being an ally to lgbtq students. the guide provides concrete strategies that will help you support lgbtq students, educate about anti-lgbtq bias and advocate for changes in your school. for more information about the safe space kit, click here.

capacity building and professional development

healthy teen network conference

date & location: october 2-4, 2017, in baltimore, md. click here to view conference details and register.

asha 2017 school health conference

date & location: october 11-13, 2017 in st. louis, mo. click here to view conference details and register.

the school superintendents association conference: education in the digital age

date & location: february 15-17, 2018 in nashville, tn. registration for the school superintendents association (aasa) annual conference is now open!


2017 society meeting: leadership, relationships, and influence

date & location: october 10, 9:00am-4:30pm in st. louis, mo.

you are invited to attend the 2017 society meeting: leadership, relationships, and influence. this day-long event is being held prior to the american school health association (asha) pre-conference and meeting, scheduled for october 11-13. visit the society of state leaders of health and physical education (the society) website meeting page for details and to register .

advocates wants to know! please contact mary beth at if you plan to attend asha, htn and/or the society meeting.

recent publications

teachers share resources for addressing charlottesville hate rally in the classroom

are you unsure of how to address the charlottesville hate rally with your students? madeline will, a contributing writer for the atlantic, has compiled a list of resources including reading lists, podcast and classroom activities that can help start the conversation in your classroom.

teen dating violence victimization among high school students: a multilevel analysis of school-level risk factors

in a recent study published by the journal of school health, parker et al. (2017) examined the “association between alcohol outlet density around high schools and tdv and the association between markers of physical disorder around schools and tdv victimization among adolescents”. after analyzing data from high school students that participated in the maryland safe and supportive schools initiative, parker et al. (2017) found that 11% of students reported experiencing both physical and psychological tdv in the past year. feeling safe at school was shown to be a protective factor against tdv victimization for both sexes, whereas recent alcohol use was found to be a risk factor for both sexes. they concluded that “although school-level predictors were not associated with tdv, alcohol use and perceptions of safety at school were significantly associated with tdv [and that] prevention efforts to address alcohol use may affect tdv victimization” (parker et al., 2017).

sex differences in contraception non-use among urban adolescents: risk factors for unintended pregnancy

the results of their study , published in the journal of school health, indicate that for both boys and girls, marijuana use was a statistically significant risk factor for contraception non-use. additionally for boys illegal drugs available on school property was also found to significantly related to contraception non-use. these findings could be used to “inform overall and sex-specific adolescent programs to promote consistent contraception use among urban youth within school-based communities” (casola et al., 2017).

acceptability of school-based health care centers for human papillomavirus vaccination visits: a mixed-methods study

in a study published by the journal of school health, hansen et al. (2017) examine the acceptability, facilitators, and barriers of hpv vaccination visits at school-based health centers (sbhcs) from the perspectives of adolescents and parents.” interview and survey data revealed that “hpv vaccination visits at sbhcs were acceptable, and [that] sbhc users expressed more favorable attitudes” towards sbhcs providing the vaccine. hansen et al. (2017) suggest that hpv vaccination barriers (fragmentation of medical records, negative perceptions about sbhcs, and concerns about obtaining care outside the medical home) at sbhcs “can be addressed through more education about sbhc’s role, and improvement of systems to coordinate care.

this document was made possible by the centers for disease control and prevention, division of adolescent and school health (cdc-dash) under cooperative agreement 1up87ps004154. the contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the centers for disease control and prevention. divider

to submit an article, announcement, or resource for the school health equity newsletter, please email mary beth szydlowski at

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