april 2017
new nyhaad resources the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) has come out with a new national youth hiv & aids awareness day (nyhaad) resources web page. this new page includes information for planning activities which inform and educate stakeholders, partners, community members and youth about hiv prevention. the webpage also contains sample social 世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 posts for online networks and graphics, as well as factsheets.
hep b trainings, webinars, hangouts
hep b is a national coalition aimed at raising awareness on the prevention of hepatitis b especially with asian americans. they have released a free series of webinars, trainings and hangouts available on their website. webinars include: “screening for hep b in clinic and community-based settings,” “building and maintaining a hep b coalition,” and “innovative strategies for using it to identify and manage high risk populations.”
doing it! hiv testimonial videos available in spanish
the cdc recently made a series of hiv testimonials available in spanish. these personal narrative style stories are designed to encourage adults to get tested and informed about hiv. these videos provide personal accounts of experiences around hiv and hiv prevention.
parent power factsheet
the national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy has provided a new factsheet. this factsheet highlights the results of a 2016 survey administered to young people 12-19 and 18-24. the survey results focus on the influence that parents/guardians have on young people when making decisions about their sexual health.
tag talks videos on adolescent friendship & brain development
hhs office of adolescent health has released the first two videos in the series adolescent health: think, act, grow (tag). these videos are thirty minutes in length and additional resources include discussion guides for family members and professionals. the first video, “the power of the adolescent brain,” reviews brain development and how it affects learning, health, and behavior. the second video, “the crisis of connection for adolescent boys,” explores the social-emotional development that adolescent boys go through and how that relates to creating friendships. watch both videos and access additional resources.
recent publications
contraceptive failure in the united states: estimates from the 2006-2010 national survey of family growth
the guttmacher institute has published the findings of a study focused on the rates of contraceptive failure in the u.s. and how they have declined overall. the results of this study found that long lasting reversible contraceptives (larcs) had the lowest failure rates, while condoms and withdrawal had the highest probability of failure. read the published study and find out more about the rates of contracepitive failure.
new supplemental issue of the journal of adolescent health
the cdc division of reproductive health has released a supplemental issue of their journal of adolescent health, containing reports from the implementation of cdc and the department of health and human services (hhs) office of adolescent health (oah) community wide teen pregnancy prevention initiatives (cwi) project. this report provides information from researchers and educators working to prevent teen pregnancy in their local communities. read the supplemental issue here and find out more about cwi.
capacity building and professional development
pd offerings calendar template
etr has released a calendar template to help states and districts plan and coordinate pd offerings on a quarterly or yearly basis. once complete, the calendar can be shared with partners to facilitate pd planning and implementation. to access the calender, log on to npin and download the template..
early registration open for the national school based health care convention

the school based health alliance has announced early registration for their annual school based health care convention on june 18-21, 2017 in long beach california. held in collaboration with the california school based health alliance, this convention is focused on providing networking and continuing education forums workshops and speakers. sessions include, moving beyond clinic walls into schools: opportunities for education-healthcare partnerships to address school health under essa and the free care policy change, and protecting sexually active teens requires more than trojan: overcoming barriers to integrating adolescent sexual health screening and risk counseling into practice. register today, view workshops & advance programs and find out more.
new resources on the school health equity website
the school health equity team has updated its website with new resources including the latest future of sex education (fose) whitepaper: building a foundation for sexual health is a k-12 endeavor: evidence underpinning the national sexuality education standards and florida’s sexual health education community outreach toolkit. in addition to new resources, the website has also been updated with resources to support meeting the needs of youth at disproportionate risk (yrd). these documents include a slide deck of the “meeting the needs of homeless and foster youth inside and outside the classroom” webinar and three resources featured during that webinar. three advocates published documents: exemplary sexual health education in alternative schools, and sexual health education for young people with disabilities: research and resources for educators, sexual health education for young people with disabilities: research and resources for parents/guardians are also available.
save the date eshe convening
喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 will be holding an eshe convening meeting august 22-23, 2017 in washington d.c. a save the date was sent out via email recently. please contact mary beth szydlowski marybeth@advocatesforyouth.org or lauren ainsworth lauren@advocatesforyouth.org with any questions.
this document was made possible by the centers for disease control and prevention, division of adolescent and school health (cdc-dash) under cooperative agreement 1up87ps004154. the contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the centers for disease control and prevention.
to submit an article, announcement, or resource for the school health equity newsletter, please email lauren ainsworth at lauren@advocatesforyouth.org
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