cazembe, photographed by ose arheghan

“i tell my abortion story for a myriad of reasons. some of the most important reasons i share my story are that there are not that many open trans people speaking about having had abortions. i am able to be visible and bring attention to the fact that people other than women have abortions. i want other trans people to be able to see themselves in the reproductive justice movement. i also feel like every time i tell my story i take a little bit of power back for myself. it’s my story and i get to tell it how i want to.”
arheghan, 18, is a nationally recognized lgbtq youth advocate. they work to ensure the rights of queer people of color and individuals with other marginalized identities. last year, they served as glsen’s national student advocate of the year for their activism both through journalism and political advocacy. arheghan is currently working towards dual degrees in political science and sexuality studies at the ohio state university as a morrill scholar. morrill scholars are brought to the university to promote diversity and inclusion through organizing and advocacy. they are also currently serving their second term as a student organizer with 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 , a dc based sexual health and reproductive justice nonprofit that empowers youth to make change in their own communities. arheghan also worked to better the lives of african-american students in cleveland by co-founding the first high school junior youth council chapter of the naacp that northeast ohio has seen.