
regional lesson plans: a set of individual scripted lesson plans for comprehensive sexuality education in east and southern africa

this set of 14 individual scripted lesson plans was developed to support school-based delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (cse) in east and southern africa. the scripted lesson plans are intended to provide teachers with material often lacking in existing life skills and cse curricula, which can be used to supplement existing resources and support the delivery of cse. topics and age ranges for the lesson plans were identified during the regional consultative meeting to support the development of sexuality education lesson plans, hosted in south africa by unesco, unfpa, and facilitated by 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 . during this consultation, curriculum developers, teachers, and other education stakeholders from 10 countries conducted peer review of various curricula and materials from the region and identified and prioritized topics by age for the lesson plans. at the end of the consultation, a peer review advisory board was formed consisting of 21 members, who were tasked with reviewing drafts of the lesson plans and providing inputs. once the lesson plans were complete, they were pre-tested through a regional teacher training for comprehensive sexuality education and in schools in namibia and lesotho.

the individual scripted lesson plans include lessons for students and learners between the ages of 9-15 and are each 45 minutes long. some lessons have two parts, requiring two sessions, or 90 minutes total.

lesson plans: