
regional module: teacher training on comprehensive sexuality education for east and southern africa


this module was developed as a resource to support pre-service training of teachers for the delivery of school-based sexuality education in east and southern africa. designed for trainers who are delivering pre-service training on sexuality education in the region, this participatory training equips teachers with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to deliver effective sexuality education in the classroom.

pre-tested in uganda and through a regional training of trainers workshop held in south africa, the module includes nine core sessions lasting approximately 38 hours, requiring a total of 42 hours in its totality. key topic areas include adolescent sexual and reproductive health in east and southern africa; an overview of sexuality education; adolescent development; experiential learning and facilitation skills; classroom management; application of skills through simulation of lesson plan delivery, and policy and ethical considerations.

trainers can use the module to tailor trainings according to the number of days/hours available for training teachers. while the material is focused on training teachers for school-based sexuality education, the material can be adapted to out-of-school environments.

full teacher training module:

teacher training module by sessions:

regional lesson plans: a set of individual scripted lesson plans for comprehensive sexuality education in east and southern africa.
this set of 14 individual scripted lesson plans was developed to support school-based delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (cse) in east and southern africa.