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i wrote a note to my unborn child a few days after my abortion. for context, i thought i was 7 weeks pregnant when i had my first ultrasound but i was actually 19 weeks pregnant. i am 19 years old and in college.


hola ...
mi historia comenzó hace un tiempo con una persona que en ese momento quise mucho y pensé que podría llegar a ser la pareja de mi vida, sin embargo, cuando me embaracé simplemente se fue y no volví a saber de él.


i had a late term abortion at 27 weeks in august of 2018. i was pregnant with my much wanted third child and up until 25 weeks i was told my daughter was looking great. i was so relieved as i was 35 in in the "advanced maternal age" category. at 25 weeks i went to my doctor for a follow up sonogram to get a view of my baby's heart. that is when my life got turned upside down.


i've been pregnant twice. i always knew that i never wanted children. my family, mainly my parents, constantly emplored me to have children. they still ask when i'm going to have children. and even though i always say i don't want children, they persist.

statement on the equality act

today 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 joins over 288 organizations from across the country in endorsing the equality act. the equality act was reintroduced in the 116th congress today by representatives david cicilline (d-ri) and brian fitzpatrick (r-pa) in the house of representatives and senators jeff merkley (d-or), tammy baldwin (d-wi) and cory booker (d-nj) in the senate.

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