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mourning victims of white supremacy in jacksonville

this weekend, racially motivated gun violence took three people’s lives in jacksonville, florida. we mourn the losses of angela michelle carr, 52, anolt joseph “aj” laguerre jr., 19, and jerrald gallion, 29.

we condemn the violent actions of the killer, and the toxic culture that empowered white supremacist violence. we must stop the radicalization of young white men that is enabled by politicians who pander to extremists for votes. we must work alongside those who are leading efforts to end white supremacy and gun violence. young people are working for a time when everyone can live free from violence and fear.

mifepristone is safe and effective, and has been safely used by millions

喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 condemns and rejects the 5th circuit’s ruling that would limit mifepristone availability. the case against mifepristone is groundless, and was fabricated as part of the anti-abortion movement’s efforts to end legal abortion everywhere in this country. mifepristone is part of a safe and effective regimen for abortion care, and has been safely used by millions since it was approved over 20 years ago.

youth activists celebrate successful campaign for an over-the-counter birth control pill

喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 applauds the work of youth activists and a coalition of organizations who have worked for years to demonstrate the scientific support and the urgent need for an otc birth control pill. the fda’s decision to make opill available over the counter comes at a time of unprecedented attacks on young people’s health and rights at the federal level and in states across the country.  the science is clear, and the need has never been greater. 

iowa passes abortion ban counter to the beliefs of iowans

iowa’s abortion ban is harmful, cruel, and against the wishes of iowans, a large majority of whom believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 is deeply proud to work with a network of young people across the country, including in iowa, who are working to ensure everyone has access to the abortion care they need when they need it. lawmakers working to force through harmful bans and restrictions are severely out of touch with the millions of young people who support 2022年世界杯亚洲积分 , who have watched as bans stripped pregnant people of their autonomy and endangered their health and lives.

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