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i miss my little grape every day. i have always protected myself and somehow it failed this time. i know that i couldn't afford the best life for a baby.


i'm 26 years old and found out i was pregnant feb. 17th. i knew almost im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely thanks to an app i use to track my periods(and ovulation), and i've always had decently regular, on time periods.



i wasn't sure about sharing my story, but now i feel like i have no choice. just like all women in missouri are about to have no choice.

when i was 16, i was told by a doctor that i would never get pregnant. when i was 23 years old, i had left college with no degree, bummed around a few communes with disastrous results, and was back at home trying to make sense out of my life.


i had 2 kids and already married and divorced by time i turned 19. i fell in love with the wrong kind of man, he hit me and made me feel awful about myself. i had no intention getting pregnant ever again and when i did i almost went through with the pregnancy.


i was 32; in a stable long term relationship; with a good job with maternity benefits; 15 years ago. it wasn't a difficult decision, i didn't want to be a mum and still don't have kids.

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