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i feel the urgent need to share my story considering what the republican party is trying to do to a woman's right to choose what happens to her body.


i am having an abortion, my first, in 6 days. i am married, we both have good jobs, we don't currently have children, we own our own home and we are healthy. this pregnancy made it through two forms of birth control.


i wasn’t being irresponsible. i was on the pill. but still, i found myself staring in disbelief at two positive pregnancy tests as i sat on the bathroom floor in my rented apartment which i shared with two other roommates. it was my first week at my first job out of school and i couldn’t believe this was happening.


years ago, i had what is medically called a "missed abortion": when the fetus dies but the woman carrying it doesn't miscarry.


may 31st that year was my appointment date. i made such a huge mess of my life in such a short amount of time. i guess i had doubt i could even get pregnant.


when i was 16 i was in an abusive relationship with a man about 4 years older than me. i lost my virginity to him, and i got pregnant the first time we had unprotected sex.

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