statement on the 9th circuit decision about the title x gag rule
the 9th circuit court has joined the war on young people, people of color, low income families, and all those who need quality reproductive health care with thursday’s decision to allow the trump administration’s title x gag rule to take effect.
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the episode of the new youtube series for lgbtq+ youth is titled “drag across generations” and will feature drag kid desmond is amazing, contemporary drag queen shangela, and drag elder ruby rims.
as i sit here in bed crying, it’s 3:00am and i’m filled with regret. but i will not regret my decision to do what i did, to have had an abortion.
six years ago i discovered i was pregnant whilst in an abusive relationship. i opted for an abortion. the idea that my life would be tied to the fathers filled me with fear.
i had a medical abortion when i was 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. i was a single mother of two children already and in an unstable relationship. when we found out i was pregnant, he became even more distant and still. i knew i wouldn’t be able to fairly raise another child on my own without having a traumatic effect on my other children.