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advocates mourns the passing of rep. elijah e. cummings

喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 mourns the passing of representative elijah e. cummings, maryland congressman and long time champion of young people’s reproductive and sexual health and rights. throughout his career, rep. cummings spoke out for sex education, contraceptive access, and the right to safe and legal abortion.

reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations show solidarity during domestic violence awareness month

from october 14th, 2019 through october 18th, 2019, as a part of the october domestic violence awareness month, reproductive health, rights, and justice advocates, and other social justice allies, will be launching a domestic violence/intimate partner violence (ipv) week of solidarity campaign highlighting survivors from communities most often overlooked, as well as highlight/lift up the connection between ipv and reproductive justice. how ipv is connected to reproductive justice.

vivian, photographed by victoria torres garcia

"at 17 i was forced to travel across state lines to authorize my abortion service without a parent’s involvement. at this age, i felt i was mature enough to make an informed decision about my body and my future. i refused to go before a judge to seek permission to get a procedure without a parents permission. i had no other choice but to raise the money to pay for a procedure out of pocket and on a greyhound bus travel to illinois. the political climate, not my abortion, caused my trauma. now i work as an advocate for women and migrants who need health care, to try to ease the trauma they experience.”

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