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statement on new regulations barring pregnant visitors from the u.s.

喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 condemns in the strongest possible terms the state department’s new regulation concerning the denial of visas to people who are pregnant or simply appear to be pregnant. it is the purest violation of basic human rights for people to have their bodies scrutinized by officials, their motives for visiting impugned, and their personal testimony that they are not pregnant ignored.

new rule strips millions of abortion coverage

this morning, the trump administration finalized a rule that will take insurance coverage of abortion away from millions of patients. the rule requires that plans on the affordable care act exchanges offer separate coverage for abortion. it places burdensome regulations on insurers, dissuading them from offering abortion coverage, and will cause confusion among people who access their health plan through the aca marketplaces, leading to people no longer having coverage they may need.

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