why do you fight for sex ed? karina
"i fight for sex education for all because i want the next generation to be educated on an important topic that is taken for granted."
"i fight for sex education for all because i want the next generation to be educated on an important topic that is taken for granted."
a lack of affirming education clearly leads to a lack of knowledge, which leaves the majority of people clueless of a lot of useful and stigma-free information that is out there.
good sex education will lead to healthier young people that feel empowered to make decisions about their bodies and sexuality.
i fight for sex education for all because i know what it's like first-hand to receive sex education that is inaccurate, stigmatizing, and doesn’t respect my personal autonomy.
today, the department of education released its final rule on title ix, which guts student survivors’ rights and tips the scales of school sexual misconduct cases in favor of perpetrators and schools that wish to sweep sexual violence under the rug.
today, the department of education released its final rule on title ix, which guts student survivors’ rights and tips the scales of school sexual misconduct cases in favor of perpetrators and schools that wish to sweep sexual violence under the rug.