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statement on the equality act

“in 27 states, lgbtq youth are at risk of being fired, refused housing, or denied services simply because of who they are. it’s not only unfair, it’s dangerous: take a state like texas, where ice storms have left millions in need of shelter. we can’t let states leave lgbtq young people out in the cold. it’s well past time to rectify this situation, and it’s time congress made the equality act a priority,” said debra hauser, president, 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 .

100 organizations call for swift expansion of reproductive health, rights, and justice by biden administration in ad published in washington post

today, the blueprint for sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice, representing more than 100 bold, progressive organizations, published a full-page ad in the washington post highlighting top priorities for the biden-harris administration to swiftly expand access to sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice.

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