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advocates applauds the re-introduction of the each act

喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 applauds the reintroduction of the each (equal access to abortion coverage in health care) act, legislation which lifts bans on abortion coverage, led by representatives lee (d-ca), degette (d-co), shackowsky (d-il), and pressley (d-ma) in the house and senators duckworth (d-il), murray (d-wa), and hirono (d-hi) in the senate. we are proud to support this groundbreaking legislation to ensure that every person, whatever their income, however they are insured, and wherever they live can get affordable abortion care when they need it. 

dismantling racist laws and policies that deny people access to essential abortion services

today, rep. jan schakowsky (d-il), a senior chief deputy whip and chair of the providers and clinics task force for the congressional pro-choice caucus, reintroduced the abortion is health care everywhere act. this historic legislation would repeal the helms amendment, an archaic and racist policy that essentially bans the use of any u.s. foreign assistance funds for abortion services overseas. the bill is co-led by barbara lee (d-ca), jackie speier (d-ca), ayanna pressley (d-ma), diana degette (d-co), norma torres (d-ca) and marilyn strickland (d-wa) and is backed by over 140 original cosponsors.

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