the first abortion i had been careless with my boyfriend because i didn't think i was fertile. most of my friends had more than one abortion and at 25 i was starting to think i couldn't get pregnant.
the first abortion i had been careless with my boyfriend because i didn't think i was fertile. most of my friends had more than one abortion and at 25 i was starting to think i couldn't get pregnant.
i hope anyone who has done this, or find themselves thinking about it, it's okay, you are an amazing woman, don't think your heart won't break, but you are doing what you need to do, and that will always be okay.
it’s hard not to feel angry at peoples opinions or reactions. but you're not alone if you do too.
having an abortion was the most upsetting and darkest decision of my life, however, not regretful for our family
whpa is an important step from congress that would prohibit states from imposing onerous restrictions, much like the bills we're seeing passed all across the nation, including the recently-enacted sb8 in texas, the most restrictive abortion law in the country.
today, 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 and we testify filed a landmark supreme court amicus brief comprised of the narratives of people who have had abortions, and joined by over 6,600 people who have had abortions, representing all 50 states, dc, puerto rico, and the u.s. virgin islands.