after having an ultrasound i found out i was 9 weeks along, could not take the pill safely, and had to have the procedure done the following week.
after having an ultrasound i found out i was 9 weeks along, could not take the pill safely, and had to have the procedure done the following week.
there was no way we could afford a child -- as a graduate assistant, i was the primary bread winner and insurance provider, both of which would end weeks before my due date when i graduated with my master's degree.
when i found myself pregnant at age 45 1/2 i couldn't face another miscarriage with the subsequent d & c. i terminated the pregnancy and felt that i had at least some control over my body.
i got pregnant the day i submitted my college applications. my best friend encouraged us to tell our parents. when i suffered horrific complications a month after my abortion, we had their support
i had an abortion and i have not regretted the decision for one minute. my pregnancy was planned but unfortunately, i ended up with a very rare ectopic pregnancy located in my c-section scar.
after waiting more than 2 weeks for my results - something that could have been done in 24 hours, if my insurance had been 'better' - we got the devastating news that there was no happy outcome for this baby.