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i was 18 years old, and had only been in the military for less than a year. i had lost my virginity less than a year before all this. a few months before finding out i was pregnant (in spite of using condoms) i found out my mom had non-hodgkins lymphoma.


i have had an abortion. i am grateful that i was able to discuss the situation with my family and to be left to make the best decision for myself.


i was 25 and in a committed relationship. the condom broke on saturday night. i don't know if you could get plan b over the counter in 2001 but if you could i didn't know about it, so i waited until planned parenthood opened on monday.


i became pregnant while using an iud birth control after a molar pregnancy. becoming pregnant so soon was not advised because of the molar pregnancy but we (my husband and i) didn't want to get an abortion since we had already experienced the devastation of pregnancy loss.


i was 18 and had been with my boyfriend for a year. he and i had the "what if" conversation and i said in no uncertain terms that if the birth control i always used failed that i would have an abortion while he, on the other hand, insisted that he would marry me.


i had an abortion when i was 28. back in 1988 i had 2 choices. abortion and keep my job and home, or homeless and a parent playing the welfare breeding game.

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