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i am 27 and just had my first abortion.
i grew up in a place where, surprisingly, abstinence-only sex education is taught. i was the only person out of my friends who didn't get pregnant or have a child before the age of 18.


in 1975, i was 17 years old. abortion had only been legal for about two years. i found myself pregnant and, of course, was unwilling and unable to care for a child.


i got pregnant in 1997 with a guy who seduced me and manipulated me into a relationship with him. we used condoms every time, so i was in shock when i found out i got pregnant.


i had an abortion when i was 23. i don't regret it, it was the best choice at the time. i had a two day fling with my ex boyfriend.


i started seeing a therapist again after my abortion. she tells me it’s ok to talk about this, but i know i’m not supposed to.

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