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it was the most selfless choice i have ever made. i was 21, just graduated college, and trying to figure out my next move in life. i was working a job that was not in my field, living in my hometown again, and just feeling overwhelmed by the sudden changes in my life.


date number three, with a guy who seems like a perfect gentleman. he was sweet, considerate, and actually, almost boring. we went back to his place to hang out, and one glass of wine turned into three, which prevented me from being able to drive home.


i had to have a shot when i was 17 to start having periods, and then went on the pill, even though i wasn't sexually active, to correct the severe hormonal imbalance that i had, regulate my periods and dissolve the cysts.


abortion was my ticket to a happy, successful, prosperous future.

when i was 18, i got pregnant due to birth control failure. i had an abortion and never looked back. i felt no regret. only "phew!"


i was 20 years old, and my boyfriend and i were living in his parents' house - both of us working low-paying restaurant jobs. when i learned that i was pregnant, i knew the timing wasn't good, but was still ecstatic at the thought of the life growing inside me.


i found out i was pregnant when i was 32. i had a 13 year old at the time. i called my boyfriend (also the father of my 13 year old) and told him. i was crying hysterically. i knew that i didn't want another child, but didn't "believe" in abortion unless you were raped. this was my own personal belief at the time. i didn't preach or anything like that.

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