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i am 25 and i and i had two abortions. my first abortion was when i was 17. i found out i was pregnant weeks after graduating high school and the father was expecting with another girl.


two years ago my vacation was wonderful. i had the time of my life seeing ireland and experiencing everything it had to offer. i met someone in an irish haze one night at the after hours club.


the night i got pregnant i was celebrating two things - handing in my master's thesis and my birthday. it was a hot summer night, and a good friend introduced me to her friend.


1989 and i was 18 i was in that "stupid" love with my high school boyfriend. i just thought he was the best thing ever. i was on birth control pills but not only did i take them wrong, i also had a urinary tract infection and was given antibiotics.


despite the fact that i am an educated, middle class woman, i have had 2 abortions. i don't have a "good excuse", just inconsistent birth control because of infrequent relationships, and poor timing.

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