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i had an abortion february 17, 2012. i found out last week that the clinic i went to is being shut down. it's crazy to think about how much has changed in less than two years.


i was a dancer for eight years, from the time i was ten years old, and i was now eighteen. i was in a sexually active but abusive relationship, and was still getting regular heavy periods.


i bought the test and it ended up being positive. i wasn’t the most “regular” but somehow, that month i had known. when my boyfriend came home i showed him the test, while sitting on our bed.


i was 21 and had just started seeing this new, wonderful guy. we were trying to keep things casual, but i could tell i liked him a lot.


in 1961 at the age of 19 and still living at home with my parents, i had an illegal back alley abortion and began to slowly bleed almost to death. at that time in my life, i would rather be dead than pregnant.

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