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i became pregnant at 15 by my first boyfriend who was also 15. i began to notice slight changes in my body but was unaware that i was pregnant until i felt the baby move one morning.


when i first realized i was pregnant, i im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely knew what i needed to do. i wasn't financially stable, and could not provide the home my child deserved.


i was barely 20 and had only been dating my boyfriend for a month. i was not ready to be a mother emotionally or financially.


i have had two abortions in my life, one at 19 and one at 23. my decision to have an abortion was based on a simple premise: i was pregnant, and i didn't want to be.


being brought up in a large catholic family, i was raising myself after being lost in the shuffle. i started hanging out with people 5-7 years older than me when i was 14-16.

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