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i was single, 22 and dealing with some serious feelings of self-doubt and depression. i had gone out one night with a girlfriend, drinking, which seemed to do a good job of masking any real feelings at that time in my life.


i was 29 when i got an abortion via the mifepristone pill. i was and am married. i was unemployed at the time, but my husband makes a good living and we could have financially supported a child.


i was 16 years old in my first relationship, my now ex partner was 17 but had the mental age of about a 12 year old! useless jobless druggy.


although the details are rather fuzzy, i do remember how i felt when i decided to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at age 19.


i was in college. my boyfriend and i had been together for about 2 years. i decided to get an iud for contraception; because while we were planning on getting married eventually, kids were quite a few years out.


at the age of 15 was when i had my first abortion. society has everyone think that we have no power over our own bodies and choices, and at 15 legally we almost have none.

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