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i was only 19 when i was manipulated into placing my first child for adoption. i faced being homeless or staying with my boyfriend, an older man who regularly beat and raped me.


i had an abortion when i was 24. at the time, i was a single mother raising a 6-year old son. we had recently relocated to a large city after i had accepted a new job.


i have had two abortions - one at age 23 and another at age 24. i had just graduated college with a bachelor's degree, and my boyfriend and i had just gotten together.


i was 22, had just finished college and was dating a guy who already had three kids by three other women. he was not allowed contact with any of these women or their children.


i was sixteen years old when i found out i was pregnant. i was in a relationship for a few months at the time, and almost done with my sophomore year in high school.

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