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i was 21, married, in the military, full time student, part time retail employee, and completely broke. my husband was going away on his first deployment.


i had my first abortion when i was 22 in berkeley ca in 1973. i was on ssi for depression and my 19 year old boyfriend had already made his other girlfriend pregnant the month before.


i was 21 in early 1988 and recently separated from a mentally-abusive husband, whom i had foolishly married at 18 to get out of my alcoholic and abusive parent's house (frying pan, meet fire).


i was 18 years old. i had just graduated high school. it was my summer vacation before college. i can distinctly remember when i figured out i was pregnant.


i've always been extremely careful since i became sexually active because i don't want to have the difficult decision of having an abortion.

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