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i guess my story starts off like most do. i met a boy, fell in love, got pregnant, and had an abortion. that is the overly simplified version of events.


i cannot say that i am like most of the women on here. i deeply regret my abortion. in the prior 10 years, i would've told people differently.


i was newly married and terrified when i became pregnant. i was unsure of my relationship and had come from a dysfunctional family that i was afraid to recreate.


tuve a mi hija y nueve meses después quedé embarazada nuevamente. eso fue un gran impacto. no pensaba en tener al bebé pero ese fue mi primer aborto y tenía mucho miedo.


i was on the patch, and my boyfriend and i used condoms, but i got pregnant anyway. because of my history of very irregular periods, we did not know that i was pregnant until i was 17 weeks along.

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