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as an 18 year old pre-medical student, the last thing i thought would happen to me is pregnancy. but after three years of having (irresponsible) unprotected sex my boyfriend, the inevitable occurred.


i was 19 years old, and i was using an iud, condoms, and the depo-provera shot, all at once. i felt sick every morning, and my breasts were sore, but i never even considered i might be pregnant.


i'm 18 years old and i took the abortion pill. early on weeks with the pregnancy i knew i was pregnant. i'm very in tune with my body.


i was 19 years old; i went out with some people from college. a guy i didn’t know handed me and another girl a drink. she knew him and happily thanked him.


i was 23 when i had my abortion. i was on the pill but forgot to take it all the time so it wasn't effective. i had been with my boyfriend for about 10 months when i found out i was pregnant.


siempre he estado a favor del derecho a decidir, pero nunca me imaginé que me iba a enfrentar a la elección que tuve que tomar. el embarazo que di por finalizado fue muy querido y planificado.

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