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i was 18, about to go to college. i found out, i cried a bit, then i made a plan. in less a week i had made an appointment, gotten the "birth control pill" and was back to planning my dorm room.


i've had 2 abortions, one when i was 19 and one when i was 23. i was with a man a lot older than me, and by the time iwent to planned parenthood to get the pill i was already pregnant.


on my 26th birthday weekend, the man i've been seeing for a few months took me out to dinner and we had an incredible time, as we always did.


i was 16 when i got pregnant. i was an honour roll student and had never gotten in real trouble before. my boyfriend was 19. i got pregnant only a little while after losing my virginity.


hace unos cinco años atrás quedé embarazada. tenía una relación comprometida y amaba a mi pareja, ahora estamos casados y somos padres de un hermoso niño de 19 meses.

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