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i was 14 years old. my step father's brother took advantage of me and my undying need to please older men that reminded me of my abusive father.


your 1 in 3 valentine's day campaign really touched me, my due date 4 years ago was valentine's day. it gives me relief to know through websites like yours, that i am not alone. i no longer feel ashamed by my choice, i am pro-life, but by pro-life i mean that of the mother as much as the child, i have the right to make choices about my own existence, my own happiness and my own path.


i'm in my early 30s, married, never before pregnant. i just returned home from a surgical abortion. i grew up with a strict father and born again christian mother, and my parents consider abortion to be the worst thing...killing a child.


i had been married for 4 years when i became pregnant. i was 26 years old. my husband did not want a child at the time and convinced me to have an abortion. i was feeling really sick, so it was an easy decision.

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