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i have had two abortions, 18 years apart. in between that time, i also had a child with my ex-husband, who is now ten years old (and a wonderful kid!).the first abortion i had was in 1995; i was 19, in college, and realized i was pregnant by my long distance boyfriend. although i had been raised in a very conservative, christian environment, once i found out i was pregnant, i instantly knew abortion was the right decision for me.


hello. i've had two abortions in my lifetime. the first at 14 after i had been raped by a neighbor. that cost me membership to my church and being ostracized because members of my family felt the need to judge me and bring others into it.


it was 1987, and i was 19 years old. i was on the pill, but clearly it failed. i was a freshman in college, and i doubt i took the pill exactly how one should, at the same time every day. i was in a dysfunctional relationship with a young man with whom i actually had nothing in common.


when i was 17 i was in a deep depression. i felt that i did not have control of anything in my life. my parents were fearful about what "might happen" and therefore did not allow me any freedoms to be my own person or make my own decisions. i began sneaking around, sneaking out of the house, lying about who i was dating ect.


i had two abortions. both happened during long term relationships. first pregnancy happened at 18, just because we were too young and silly. i’m incredibly happy that i did that and could study and work without any other “problems”. i wasn’t ready, nor was my bf. later i found out that he is a terrible man who lied to me a lot and who was stealing my money.


i had my abortion over a year ago now on april 12th 2013, i was 21 years old and 8 weeks pregnant. i had been dealing with morning sickness for weeks just thinking i was sick or had an allergy to something i was eating, being pregnant wasn't even a possibility in my mind since i was on the pill.

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