i recall feeling sick for weeks. being pregnant was the last thought on my mind. i bought four pregnancy test, after the third test came back positive i believed it.
i recall feeling sick for weeks. being pregnant was the last thought on my mind. i bought four pregnancy test, after the third test came back positive i believed it.
i was 23 years old when i got pregnant. i was neither emotionally nor financialy ready to have a child. my boyfriend, being catholic, did not agree with my decision but he took me to planned parenthood and helped pay for it.
i was 22, working and living in manhattan. i used an iud for birth control, but kept getting infections so my doctor took it out and gave me a prescription for a diaphragm. i had close ties to my college friends back in ohio, including a man i'd been in love with.
when i was 32 i landed an expat job for a 2 year stint in australia. a single woman living in a foreign country an ocean away from friends and family can get lonely. i was on the pill, however the crazy schedule i was working, caused me to miss doses here and there. so when i ended up pregnant after a brief affair, i went looking right away for options.
i grew up in a very emotionally unhealthy family, i didn't know about personal boundaries or that i could say no, stop.
my birth control failed after taking two rounds of antibiotics. my boyfriend and i were on the verge of breaking up and were in a horrible relationship where neither of us felt respected or fulfilled.