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in 2012, i was 18 years old, a freshman at the university of san francisco. on november 07, 2012 i found out that i was pregnant by my high school boyfriend of 2 years. as i stood there in walgreens bathroom staring down at the pregnancy test, i couldn't register what i was looking at.


i was 22 when i started dating my current boyfriend. we quickly fell in love with each other and became inseparable. because of our close connection, i trusted the pull out method when we had sex. it wasn't more than 3 months since we'd been having sex when i became pregnant, but i didn't find out until almost 2 months (7 weeks to be precise) later.


i have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for five years. i am very blessed to have such a wonderful partner; he's sweet, he moved out of state with me for work, he supports (most things) i do and he loves me. for these reasons, i know one day, i want to have a baby with him.


i have had two abortions. i had my first abortion when i was twenty-three. i was employed, saving to travel the world, and madly in love. unfortunately he was on the other side of the world that i wanted to travel to and a very bad letter writer.

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