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i had an abortion almost four years ago, on april 1, 2011. i remember everything about that day. it was the worst day of my life and not a single day has gone by that i haven't thought about my baby, yet i know i made the right decision.


i've had two abortions in my life, both with the same partner, my now-husband. sometimes that feels ironic, and strangely lucky at the same time.


when i was in my early 20s, i was in a relationship which had gone sour and was becoming emotionally abusive. it started out wonderfully, but mean people can't hide their true selves for long.


despite using birth control, i discovered i was pregnant at the age of 20. there was no thinking in my decision, my automatic response was to terminate.


i was twenty one years old. it was 1973. i was engaged to be married the summer after i graduated. i was attending a baptist university, getting ready to do my student teaching.

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