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i found out that i was pregnant the day before i was set to fly across country for a several month long service endeavor. there was no consideration of "what to do"; i knew im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely that i had to have an abortion.


i fell pregnant (intentionally) and suffered a traumatic and complicated miscarriage, bleeding for weeks on end before i collapsed and hemorrhaged heavily. i thought i was dying, it was the scariest thing i'd ever experienced.


it was 1985. i was 21. my slightly older boyfriend wanted "real" (unprotected) sex. i wanted to wait and get a prescription for the pill, but hey, the contraceptive sponge was just out, why not try that? what could go wrong?


i was a 20 year old junior in college and had gotten pregnant on a spring break trip with my boyfriend. there was no way we could take care of a child at that point in our lives.

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