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two years ago i was 14 years old and in an abusive relationship with my boyfriend. after a year together he raped me and that was how i lost my virginity.


at ten weeks i learned that my second pregnancy had an anomaly, heterotaxy combined with a congenital heart defect. the odds of survival outside of the womb were all bad.


i was changing health care programs and missed one month of birth control pills. my husband and i (we were married for only 6 months) later found out i was 6-weeks pregnant.


i was 19 and in college and i had to make the biggest decision of my life. to have a baby whose father was a drug user and a drinker. who had already cheated on me and then dumped me.


i was teaching junior high in a small rural town. i was 2.5 mos pregnant & very excited about the baby. then, a strain of measles called rubella hit our school. because i got no rad or any symptoms, i thought i was ok.


when i first learned what abortions were, i im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely said i would never do it if i ever became pregnant.

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